酒井です。酒井研の吉越君のChang君とWebDB 2023夏のワークショップ(北九州市小倉)で発表してきました。なんと二人とも学生奨励賞を受賞!以下本人たちのコメントです。
吉越 玲士
Kai-xin Chang
I attended the WebDB summer workshop 2023 in Kitakyushu and it was my first time making a presentation outside of school.
The title of my presentation was “Evaluating LLM-based Textual Conversational Systems for Direct and Immediate Information Access.”
I would like to thank Professor Sakai for his valuable suggestions during the research process.
While being honored to receive an award, there remain important tasks to work on and this initial trial is just the beginning of more in-depth research.
Participating in the event was indeed a valuable experience, and I will use it as motivation for future research.