Last updated: 14th March, 2025
Tetsuya Sakai is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan. He is also a General Research Advisor of Naver Corporation, Korea (2021-), and a visiting professor at the National Institute of Informatics, Japan (2015-). He joined Toshiba in 1993 and obtained a Ph.D from Waseda in 2000. From 2000 to 2001, he was supervised by the late Karen Sparck Jones at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, as a visiting researcher. In 2007, he joined NewsWatch, Inc. as the director of the Natural Language Processing Lab. In 2009, he joined Microsoft Research Asia. He joined the Waseda faculty in 2013. He was Associate Dean (IT Strategies Division) from 2015 to 2017, and Department Head from 2017 to 2019. He is an ACM distinguished member and an IPSJ Fellow. In 2023, he was inducted into the SIGIR Academy. He has been serving as a senior associate editor/acting editor-in-chief of ACM TOIS since 2021.
Twitter: @tetsuyasakai Email: tetsuyasakai AT acm DOT org
See also Tetsuya Sakai the Singer/Songwriter page and his youtube handle
(Please do NOT post your admission inquiries to my YouTube channel.)
NTCIR-17 Panel on Responsible Information Access (Panelists: Haruka Maeda, Paul Thomas, Mark Sanderson; Moderator: Tetsuya Sakai) YouTube (about 63 minutes) moderator slides
A Practical Guide to Computing Evaluation Measures and Comparing Systems: Twelve Small Tips (invited tutorial@NTCIR-17, 2023) YouTube (about 45 minutes) slides
高校生向け「夢ナビ」講義ビデオ:その検索・対話システムの返答は皆を幸せにするか? ビデオ約26分
平均値の差の検定と効果量: 実験結果の適切な報告の仕方 (DEIM 2023チュートリアル、ビデオ約1時間7分 スライド61枚)
公平な世の中を目指した検索 (研究紹介、約6分、2023)
Evaluating Evaluation Measures, Evaluating Information Access Systems, Designing and Constructing Test Collections, and Evaluating Again (invited tutorial@NTCIR-16, 2022) videos (100 minutes in total) slides
Evaluating Evaluation Measures for Ordinal Classification and Ordinal Quantification (ACL-IJCNLP 2021) videos (88 minutes in total) slides
検索エンジンの仕組みと課題 (模擬講義、約23分、2020)
ACM author
Google scholar
Sakai Lab’s publications (2014-)
Tetsuya Sakai’s publications (1994-2013)
Tools and Data
Research project opportunities at the Sakai Lab (for Waseda Students only)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda university
Laboratory Experiments in Information Retrieval: Sample Sizes, Effect Sizes, and Statistical Power (Springer) by Tetsuya Sakai (2018)
情報アクセス評価方法論: 検索エンジンの進歩のために(コロナ社) by Tetsuya Sakai (2015)
NTCIR FairWeb task organiser
ACM SIGIR sustainability co-chair (2023-2025)
ICTIR Steering Committee member (2022-)
ACM TOIS Senior Associate Editor (2021-)
ACM SIGIR-AP 2023 PC co-chair
SIGIR Academy (2023) 45-second thank you video
DEIM 2020 Excellent Paper Award (second author)
FIT 2020 Excellent Paper Award (first author)
CSS 2019 Best Paper Award (fifth author)
ACM Distinguished Member (2018)
WASEDA e-Teaching Award 2017
ACM Recognition of Service Award (SIGIR’17 Co-chair)
ACM Senior Member (2016)
Waseda University Presidential Teaching Award (2016 Spring Semester)
Waseda University Teaching Award (2014 Autumn Semester)
MobileHCI 2014 Honorable Mention (second author)
CSS 2014 Student Paper Award (third author)
ACM SIGIR 2013 Best Paper Shortlisted Nominee (first author)
AIRS 2012 Best Paper Award (first author)
WebDB Forum 2010 Excellent Paper Award and NTT Resonant Award (second author)
FIT 2008 Funai Best Paper Award (first author)
IPSJ 2007 Best Paper Award (single author)
IEICE ESS 2007 Merit Award
IPSJ 2006 Best Paper Award (single author)
IPSJ 2006 Yamashita SIG Research Award (single author)
FIT 2005 Excellent Paper Award (single author)
Sakai. T.: Information Access Evaluation: Some Recent Topics, iDB Workshop 2009, 2009.
Sakai, T.: Towards Evaluating Exploratory Search, FIRE 2008, December 2008.
Sakai, T. and Kando, N.: Why All of You Should Attend NTCIR-7 Next Week, FIRE 2008, 2008.
Sakai, T.: Evaluation: From Traditional Search to Exploratory Search (keynote), ECIR 2008 Workshop on Novel Methodologies for Evaluation in Information Retrieval, 2008.
Sakai, T.: How to Evaluate Information Retrieval: Why is it Receiving Attention Now? (keynote), The Twelfth Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS 2007), 2007.
酒井哲也: Ordinal Classification/Quantificationというタスクに適した評価指標…にまつわる裏話, NLPコロキウム, 2022. slides
Sakai, T.: Graded Relevance Assessments and Graded Relevance Measures of NTCIR, EVIA 2019@NTCIR-14, 2019. slides
Sakai, T.: Evaluation I: System-Oriented, Asian Summer School in Information Access 2015, 2015. slides
酒井哲也: 情報検索研究における失敗分析・進歩の検証, Project Next Kickoff, 2014. slides
ACM SIGIR 2013, 2021 PC co-chair
ACM SIGIR Vice Chair (2019-2022)
ICTIR Steering Committee chair (2020-2021)
Information Retrieval Journal Editor-in-Chief (Asia/Australasia) (2014-2021)
NTCIR ACLIA, CQA, GeoTime, INTENT, 1CLICK, MobileClick, STC, CENTRE, We Want Web, DialEval task organizer
ICTIR Steering Committee Chair (2020-2021)
情報処理学会調査研究運営委員会運営委員 (2017-2021)
Information Retrieval Journal Co-editor-in-chief (2014-2020)
ACM TOIS Associate Editor (2015-2020)
AIRS steering committee advisor
SPIRE Steering Committee member (2017-2019)
SIGIR Tokyo Chapter vice chair (2018-2019)
SIGIR 2019 OSIRRC workshop co-organiser
AIRS 2018 PC co-chair
ACM SIGIR Tokyo Chapter Vice Chair (2017-2019)
ACM SIGIR 2017 General Co-chair
ISITA 2016 Co-secretary
SPIRE Steering Committee member (2017-2019)
SPIRE 2016 PC Co-chair
SIGIR 2015 Ecol workshop co-organiser
Information Processing and Management, editorial board (2010-2015)
TREC Temporal Summarisation track coordinator
OAIR (RIAO) 2013 PC co-chair
EVIA 2007, 2008, 2010 PC co-chair
AIRS 2009 general co-chair
SIGIR 2009 Workshop on The Future of IR Evaluation co-organiser
NTCIR-11, -12, -13 general co-chair
NTCIR-9, -10 PC co-chair
NTCIR-6, -7 information logistics chair
IPSJ TOD co-editor-in-chief, editorial board
IPSJ SIG-FI/IFAT chair, secretary, committee member
IPSJ Journal editorial board
IPSJ Magazine editorial committee FWG
IEICE ESS director, news letter
The Journal of the IEICE editorial committee WG-A