NTCIR-16 presentation awards x 3

At the NTCIR-16 conference (which took place in June 2022), Fan Li and Yuya Ubukata won a few presentation awards.
Almost five months after the conference, we finally managed to celebrate their achievements over good wine and italian food.

Proud of my students!

Yuya Ubukata, Masaki Muraoka, Sijie Tao, and Tetsuya Sakai: SLWWW at the NTCIR-16 WWW-4 Task, Proceedings of NTCIR-16, pp.246-249, 2022. NTCIR-16 Best Oral Presentation Award

Fan Li and Tetsuya Sakai: RSLDE at the NTCIR-16 DialEval-2 Task, Proceedings of NTCIR-16, pp.66-70, 2022. NTCIR-16 Best Oral Presentation Award and NTCIR-16 Best Poster Presentation Award
