NTCIR-14 Short Text Conversation Task (STC-3)

  • Twitter: @ntcirstc
  • STC-3@NTCIR-14

  • Please visit the webpage of our latest task: NTCIR-16 DialEval-2

    Welcome to the top page of STC-3@NTCIR-14!

    STC-3 offered three subtasks:

    Slides describing the DQ and ND subtasks can be found HERE (updated June 6, 2018)!
    More details of DQ and ND, including the data and an evaluation script, can be found HERE.

    STC-3 Organisers

    CECG subtask:
    Minlie Huang (Tsinghua University, P.R.C.)

    DQ and ND subtasks:
    Zhaohao Zeng (Waseda University, Japan)
    Sosuke Kato (Waseda University, Japan)
    Tetsuya Sakai (Waseda University, Japan)

    STC-3 Advisors

    Lifeng Shang (Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, P.R.C.)
    Hang Li (Toutiao, P.R.C.)


    stc3org at list.waseda.jp